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Araucana Registry

This organization exists to assist in the perpetuation of all Araucana and other Mapuche chicken types. At this point in time, contact Edd Sheppard directly to participate in the registry.

Mission Statement

The focus of the Araucana Registry is international for 2020 as the U.S. options are unchanged. Hatchery certification will be maintained. Import/Export protocol will be different for each country, therefore I can only be responsible for meeting U.S.A. ( U.S.D.A.) requirements for export.

Welcome to the world of blue egg laying Araucana / Mapuche chicken types including modern and historic characteristics, flock maintenance and development. We want to make available interactions that perpetuate knowledge of the various characteristics of all Mapuche related blue egg producing strains, types and projects known to have originated in south America long before European contact.

We also welcome Spanish Communications, and other language translations when necessary.

Bienvenido al mundo de huevo azul por el que se tipos de pollo Araucana / mapuches incluyendo características modernas e históricas, acuden mantenimiento y desarrollo. Queremos hacer que las interacciones disponibles que perpetúan el conocimiento de las diversas características de todos los relacionados con la producción de huevos azules cepas, tipos y proyectos mapuche conocidos que se originó en el sur de América mucho antes del contacto europeo.

Araucana Experience Book

Newest Comprehensive Book on Araucana Mapuche Chickens!

Araucana History

An interesting overview of the history of the Araucana and Mapuche chickens, beginning from Malaysian Jungle fowl chicken types and migrating toward South America across the Pacific Ocean.

Contact Us

We appreciate you coming to our World Wide Araucana Registry website! Our goal is to promote the perpetuation of all Araucana and other Mapuche chicken types with this Registry site.

These South American Araucana Chickens are enjoying their first free range experience and able to show flying abilities with instincts and desire that are necessary to survive in the jungle where their “Polynesian Chicken Heredity” relatives do so well.

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